Tristan Archer im Interview (English, 07.09.2015)

WF: Thank you for taking some time to do this interview, Tristan! How are you currently doing?

TA: I’m fine thank you! Quite busy by the way.

WF: You are working in the wrestling business for many years already. When and why did you start with training wrestling? Did your family and friends support your decision from the very beginning or were they sceptical towards first?

TA: I’ve been in Lance Storm’s Class a little 6 years ago. Being a wrestler was the only thing that I wanted to do since I’m a kid so I decided to leave everything here in France (School, work…) to be one of Lance Storm’s students. My family was a great support for me! My father especially! My friends first thought it was just for the fun but they realized I was really serious about it, and work my ass like crazy to perfect myself.

WF: How was your very first trainings session and who was your first trainer?

TA: : My first training was really special, i wasn’t able to understand English, so i was copying everybody in front of me. Lance Storm was my first trainer, i will always thanks him for everything he teached me.

WF: Do you remember your first official match?

TA: Yes! It was in Calgary for PWA. It was a rumble match.

WF: Let’s take a look into the future: Who is your dream opponent?

TA: Not really a dream opponent, I would love to wrestle so many guys! So many talented wrestled in the world right now!

WF: You gained some great muscles lately. Do you have a role model for your workout results, and if so, who is it?

TA: A role model? I think randy Orton looks amazing. Great work. But I didn’t try to look like him. I’m Following a training made by one of my best friend. He’s also a multiple champion in bodybuilding: Arnaud Gosse. It’s a mix between power lifting and bodybuilding.

WF: Are you enjoying any other sport besides wrestling?

TA: Amateur Wrestling, Rugby, Handball and power-lifting.

WF: Could you imagine to work for one of the biggest wrestling leagues, like WWE or TNA? Did you already had a tryout maybe?

TA: It’s my goal!

WF: Can you share with us one of your greatest road trip memories?

TA: I was travelling with Paul London and Brian Kendrick to a show for a French Promotion: Ouest Catch, when Paul started to sing “Je m’appel Jordy” a really old French song which was really bad by the way. Can’t stop laughing!

WF: Thanks a lot again for doing this interview! How can an interested promoter book you?

TA: He can contact me with facebook or by mail

WF: As a conclusion, some personal words to your fans please.

TA: I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and passion. Helping me a lot to follow my dream!


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